Let the good times roll! The NMRS is here to update you with recent news from around the country and abroad. The NMRS hopes to share the most recent news each week on all areas of roller skating -- sport, recreation, and business. If you know of any news articles highlighting roller skating and would like us to share them, please contact directorcurator@rollerskatingmuseum.org!
Volunteers sought for roller skating rink
07/18/2023 | Keith Thorpe | Port Angeles
Organizers of the Olympic Skate Village in downtown Port Angeles are putting out a plea for volunteers to help operate the seasonal roller skating rink for the last month of its inaugural summer run. See more: https://www.peninsuladailynews.com/news/volunteers-sought-for-roller-skating-rink/
Reminisce: ‘The roller-skating craze:’ Remembering the Lima Roller Rink
07/18/2023 | Greg Hoersten | Lima, OH
The building has stood for nearly a century at 545 W. Market St. Constructed in 1928 for Timmerman Motor Sales, it has been home to large firms like the Marvel Maid Garment Co. and the Perry Corp. as well as dozens of smaller ones. See more: https://www.limaohio.com/top-stories/2023/07/18/reminisce-the-roller-skating-craze-remembering-the-lima-roller-rink/
Fountain Square turns ‘Barbie pink’ Wednesday night
07/19/2023 | Mildred Fallen | Cincinnati, OH
According to Fountain Square’s Instagram page, Fountain Square will be lit up in “Barbie Pink” at 7 p.m. to celebrate the opening of BARBIE...Head over to @courtstreetcincy, just a few blocks away and join us Wednesday for the BARBIE Party at the Frisch’s Mobile Roller Rink powered by Metro from 7 - 10pm! See more: https://www.fox19.com/2023/07/19/fountain-square-turns-barbie-pink-wednesday-night/
'Barbie-themed' rollerskating party set to take place at Denver nightclub
07/19/2023 | Spencer McKee | Denver, CO
It's no secret that the entertainment world is abuzz about the new 'Barbie' movie, set to premiere this Friday as it fills theaters around the country with plenty of pink. Coinciding with the release of the film, Denver's 'Tracks' nightclub will be hosting a 'Fantastic Plastic Roll' event, featuring dancing, skating, karaoke, and more. See more: https://denvergazette.com/outtherecolorado/news/barbie-themed-rollerskating-party-set-to-take-place-at-denver-nightclub/article_86c6189c-2651-11ee-85be-57fb6300ee94.html
The roller disco is set to return to Westquay this summer: this is when
07/15/2023 | Lorelei Reddin | Southampton, UK
A roller disco is set to return to Southampton this summer. See more: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/roller-disco-set-return-westquay-023200338.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANilmtDEplL9euFon8E_x3P9RRa3pIN0gCvrj8O7PkEA7781vFCbZniaUl5PMzCZmKVQspMH8gtqLs6ph_iqerV5JzRGYr2oZ1ffzafWud9E5wiTleVo7z2xrkNimp3CjmBRBUt9W-Zp508xlnefjRirk-Sgbp8NQEpF4CQA-m7g
Get Ready to Skate! Youth Roller Derby Camp Begins August 7
07/21/2023 | Cole Goodwin | Hood River, OR
Starting Monday, August 7th, 2023 at 9 a.m. the Hood River Armory and Gorge Roller Derby will welcome kids aged 9 to 17 to build confidence, teamwork, have fun skating, and learn the basics of roller skating, and roller derby! See more: https://columbiacommunityconnection.com/the-dalles/get-ready-to-skate-youth-roller-derby-camp-begins-aug-7
Harrisburg Area Roller Derby donates its profit to Broad St. Market
07/16/2023 | Maxine Rose | Dauphin County, PA
Rolling into this week... is the Harrisburg Area Roller Derby, donating all of its profit from their bout Sunday to the Broad St. Market relief fund. See more: https://local21news.com/news/local/harrisburg-area-roller-derby-donates-its-profit-to-broad-st-market
Lakewood Ranch resident transforms into a roller derby robot
07/17/2023 | Lesley Dwyer | Lakewood Ranch, FL
Not everyone gets injured while competing in roller derby, but if you’re going to skate on this rink, be prepared to take a hit. See more: https://www.yourobserver.com/news/2023/jul/17/lakewood-ranch-resident-transforms-into-roller-derby-robot/